U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship FAQs

Below are frequently asked questions about the U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship, an initiative for alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs. If after reading through the FAQs below you still do not see an answer to your question, contact USAlumni@GlobalTiesUS.org and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

What is the U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship?

The U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship is an opportunity for U.S. citizen alumni of U.S. government funded exchange programs to develop local and regional alumni networks throughout the United States and act as regional advocates for international exchange programs to inspire local audiences to become future exchange participants. Fellows will organize and implement event programming, share opportunities for outreach and professional development, and amplify other opportunities provided by the Office of Alumni Affairs.


Who is eligible to apply for the Fellowship?

Eligible applicants are U.S. citizen alumni of a U.S. Government-sponsored exchange program. Fellows must reside in the United States or U.S. Territory. 

Is there an age restriction for the Fellows?

Fellows must be at least 18 years old at the time of application submission. 

Can International ExchangeAlumni participate as Fellows? 

No, non-U.S. citizen alumni are not eligible to participate in the Fellowship.

Are U.S. Government employees eligible to apply?  

Current U.S. Department of State employees and contractors are not eligible to apply for this Fellowship. Other U.S. Government employees working on international exchange programs (e.g. Peace Corps) are also ineligible. Employees of other federal agencies must obtain prior written approval from their home agency in order to apply. Please contact USAlumni@GlobalTiesUS.org regarding program eligibility

Are federal contractors eligible to apply?

Federal contractors not working on U.S. Government-funded international exchange programs are eligible to apply. However, applicants must confirm with their agency/organization/HR department that there are no policies prohibiting them from accepting the role as a fellow. U.S. Department of State contractors are not eligible to apply for this fellowship.

Are employees of U.S. Government-funded international exchange program implementing partners eligible to apply?

Employees of organizations who implement U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and other U.S. Government-funded exchange programs (e.g. Boren) are not eligible to apply. Please contact USAlumni@GlobalTiesUS.org regarding program eligibility.

What if I move or am only in a region for only part of the year due to college, etc.?

Applicants should select one region to conduct fellowship activities in. This should be the location you will spend the most time in and be able to conduct most activities.  

What are the Fellowship regions? 

The geographic Fellowship regions are depicted HERE. Please note, Fellows will not be selected for all regions and some regions may have more than one fellow based on need. Fellows will be asked how they can be an effective U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellow in their proposed area.

What if my area is not one of the preferred locations, can I still apply?

Yes, in the application, you will be asked to indicate how you think you can be an effective U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellow in your proposed area. Fellowship locations must be in the United States or U.S. Territories. 

Am I allowed to apply if I am currently an alumni ambassador / representative for another U.S. Government-sponsored exchange program?

Preference will be given to those who will not be serving as another U.S. Government-sponsored exchange program alumni ambassador/representative during the fellowship period. 

Application Process

How can I apply?

Eligible U.S. citizen ExchangeAlumni can follow the link above to the application during the application period. The application opens on August 1, 2024. 

When is the application open? When should I expect to hear about the results of my application?

The application for the 2025 ExchangeAlumni Fellowship is open August 1 – September 17, 2024. Applicants should expect to receive an update on their application status in fall 2024. Top candidates may be invited to a virtual interview in fall 2024 prior to final selection.

Fellows Expectations

Will Fellows receive a stipend?

Yes, fellows will receive a quarterly stipend. The five regional Fellows will be expected to contribute 10 to 15 hours/week. The Washington, DC-based fellow will be expected to contribute 15 hours/week. Stipends will reflect the amount of hours of expected contributions. 

How will I receive stipend funds?

Fellows will receive stipend funds through ACH transfer from Global Ties U.S., the implementing partner for this program. 

How will I receive funding for events? 

Fellows will be required to request funding through Global Ties U.S. There is a reporting requirement associated with receiving event funding. Planning and reporting procedures will be explained to the selected Fellows during onboarding. 

How much time will I have to commit to this Fellowship? 

Fellows should expect to commit 10 to 15 hours/week to Fellowship activities. Additionally, the DC based fellow will be expected to commit 15 hours/week to Fellowship activities. 

What is the end goal of the Fellowship? 

The U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship will create and strengthen local and regional ExchangeAlumni network. Through various points of in-person and virtual engagement, alumni will connect, gain a better understanding of U.S. Department of State initiatives for ExchangeAlumni, and develop skills in event planning, outreach, leadership, and community engagement.

What are the expectations of the Fellowship?  

Fellows are expected to act in accordance with the Fellowship guidance, and work toward the successful building of an alumni network that transcends exchange program boundaries. Fellows will be expected to organize quarterly engagement activities for the ExchangeAlumni community in their area. 

Fellows will also be expected to organize, network with, and manage outreach to local and regional community alumni, and to amplify other U.S. ExchangeAlumni opportunities to strengthen alumni networks.



The U.S. ExchangeAlumni Fellowship is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government, and implemented by Global Ties U.S. in partnership with the Office of Alumni Affairs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.