Our Impact

Global Ties U.S. is the national leader for connecting people and communities in the United States with global leaders through international exchange programs. Since 1961, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, we have led and supported the Global Ties Network—comprising more than 80 community-based organizations that implement the flagship International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and other exchange and public diplomacy programs—with corporate, philanthropic, and U.S. government partners. 

Our work advances U.S. strategic priorities abroad and boosts prosperity at home by harnessing the diplomatic potential of the United States’ greatest asset: our people.   

Our theory of change is that, by supporting the effective implementation of international exchange programs, we create favorable conditions to build relationships, mutual understanding, and professional networks between global leaders and their U.S. counterparts. This leads to the stronger, deeper alliances that the United States needs for peace and security, and to stronger communities with greater civic engagement and better-developed workforces here at home.  

The following resources highlight the positive impact of Global Ties U.S. and our nationwide Network for U.S. foreign policy and for local communities across the country:  

  • Global Ties U.S. Community Impact Study (HERE 
  • Economic Impact Reports (HERE) 
  • Annual Reports (HERE) 
  • What They Say About Us (HERE)


Leveraging our nationwide, professional Global Ties Network, Global Ties U.S. tailors travel and program itineraries to meet the cultural and professional needs of international visitors, governments, companies, private funders, and more.  

We implement a range of inbound, outbound, and virtual exchange programs that provide participants with comprehensive professional education, enhanced skill sets, and opportunities to immerse themselves in a new culture.  

We work closely with program partners and funders to identify objectives and outcomes for each project, and to ensure that participants engage, learn, and build their capacity to do their important work. Our Network knows their communities better than anyone and can connect you to the people and organizations you need to accomplish your program objectives. 

Have a program idea? 

Contact Exchanges@GlobalTiesUS.org to get started on a personalized program for your group.